Associate Professor
Contact Information
428 Shineman Center
[email protected]
Marianne Hromalik's Website
- FPGA Design
- Digital Image Processing
- Neural Networks
- X-ray detector development
- Hardware/Software co-design
- H. T. Philipp, M. Hromalik, M. Tate, L. Koerner and Sol M. Gruner “Pixel array detector for X-ray free electron laser experiments”. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 13 December 2010.
- L. Koerner, H. Philipp, M. Hromalik, and M. Tate. “X-ray tests of a pixel array detector for coherent x-ray imaging at the LINAC coherent light source”. Journal of Instrumentation, 4(03):P03001, 2009.
- H. T. Philipp, L. J. Koerner, M. S. Hromalik, M. W. Tate, S. M. Gruner, “Femtosecond radiation experiment detector for x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) coherent x-ray imaging”. IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symposium Record (2008 Nucl. Sci. Symposium, talk N14-5, Dresen, Germany, 19 - 25 Oct., 2008; DOI 10.1109/NSSMIC.2008.4774709)
- M. S. Hromalik, H. T. Philipp, L. J. Koerner, M. W. Tate and S. M. Gruner, “Data acquisition and control for the LCLS pixel array detector” Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, NSS '07. IEEE Volume 3, pp 1744 - 1750, 2007.
- H. Phillip, L. Koerner, M. Hromalik, M. W. Tate and S.M. Gruner, “Pixel Array Detector for the Capture of Femtosecond Duration X-ray Images” SPIE Optics + Photonics Conference, San Diego, CA, August 26-30, 2007.
- Seferiadis G., M. Pouchet (Hromalik). M.P. Gough, “FPGA implementation of a delay-line readout system for a particle detector”, Elsevier Measurement, Jan. 2006.
- M.P.Gough, A.Buckley, T.D.Carozzi, S.I.Klimov, V.E. Korepanov, N. Huber, G. Seferiadis, M. Pouchet (Hromalik), E.Chambers, “Electron Correlation in Space Plasmas” Union of Radio Scientists International, New Delhi, Oct. 2005.
- Pouchet (Hromalik) M., G. Seferiadis, N. Huber, M. P. Gough. “A counter-based field programmable gate array implementation of the one-bit autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, Sep. 2005.
- Seferiadis G., M. Pouchet (Hromalik), M. P. Gough, “Microchannel plate position read-out system using field programmable gate arrays”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 76, May 2005.
- Bezerra, E.A., M .Pouchet (Hromalik), N, Calazans, F.Moraes, M.P. Gough, “An Adaptable HW/SW Environment for Laboratory Teaching in IT Courses”, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference – FIE’2002, Boston, USA, Nov. 6-9, 2002.
- Bezerra, E.A., M. Pouchet (Hromalik), M.P. Gough, F.Moraes, “RECKON – A Reconfigurable Prototyping kit for Engineering and IT Laboratory Based Courses”, Configurable Computing Symposium – SCR’2001, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2001.
- “Data acquisition and control for the LCLS pixel array detector” IEEE Symposium on Nuclear Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct 29th -Nov 5th 2007
- “FPGA PAD and Other Detector Developments at Cornell” e 2010 Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) Conference in Chicago on September 21st 2010.
- Ph.D., Electronic Engineering & Informatics, University of Sussex, UK, 2006
- M.Phil. Research Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago, 2000
- BS, University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago, 1999