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Computer Recommendations

Most any new Windows PC or Windows Laptop released in the last 3 or so years will be perfectly acceptable for use in ECE. Most importantly you cannot use a Mac, or a Chromebook. The computer needs to be running Windows 10 Home, Professional, Educational, or Enterprise, and not Windows 10 S-Mode.

  • Must have Windows 10 Home, Pro, Educational or Enterprise
    Not Windows 10 S mode. Windows S mode will not allow you to load and run the software that we use.
  • No Mac or Macbook computers: We require you to be able to run software that will not run on Mac.
  • No Chromebooks: We require you to be able to run software that will not run on ChromeOS.
  • Must have at least one USB 2 (or better) Type-A port. USB type C connector is fine if you also buy an adapter or USB hub to provide a USB type A port.
  • Minimum 16 GB RAM
  • Minimum 256GB SSD

Contact Us


298 Shineman Hall


Phone: 315.312.6597
Email: [email protected]