Department Chair
Associate Professor
Contact Information
307 Park Hall
[email protected]
Associate Professor and Chair, Educational Administration; BS, California College of the Arts, MS, Syracuse University, CAS, State University of New York at Brockport. Appointed 2011.
Angela Perrotto is the chair of the Educational Administration Department. She comes to the department with thirty eight years of experience in teaching and leading in P-12 education. In her educational leadership roles, she has served as assistant superintendent for instruction, principal, director of instruction, principal, director of professional development, and curriculum coordinator. Prior to these leadership roles, Professor Perrotto served as a high school teacher and department chair.
Professor Perrotto has consulted and been an invited guest presenter to numerous audiences both nationally and internationally. Her work has a sharp focus on best practices within leadership teams. Her research brings leading the national and international educational reforms into the Oswego Educational Leadership Program. Professor Perrotto’s background is well grounded in instructional leadership, but also brings researched best practices through practical application on such topics as systemic change, program evaluation, curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, balanced assessment practices and differentiated leadership, Her most recent work on Leading High Achieving Schools has brought her to many international audiences.
Through Professor Perrotto’s leadership, the Educational Administration Program has grown to include alignment of all syllabi to current and emerging national and international trends and mandates. Leading schools for tomorrow’s graduates commands new sets of skills. Leading schools for graduates that will enter tomorrow’s world of work is vastly different. The degree of urgency exists. The Educational Leadership Department is proud to be at the cutting edge of these necessary reforms.
The Educational Administration Department now boasts a series of leadership programs besides the Certificate of Advanced Study such as the Teacher Leader Academy, Mentoring, and the Leaders of Leaders Program.