Department Chair
Contact Information
321 Poucher Hall
[email protected]
Office hours
Monday - Friday and by Appointment
Roger Guy, Ph.D. began his career in law enforcement at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department in the division of Planning and Research where he worked on their first efforts at strategic planning. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has published in the areas of drug traficking in Mexico, community corrections, and correctional policy. His work has appeared in International Sociology, Current Sociology, Global Crime, the British Journal of Criminology, Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, and Journal of Applied Social Science, Victims and Offenders, and Federal Probation. He has also published qualitative work based on ethnographic research in Chicago. His most recent book, When Architecture Meets Activism, a community study in a Chicago neighborhood, appeared in 2016 and published by Rowman and Littlefield.
Selected Publications (Journal Articles)
Roger Guy and Piotr A. Chomczyński (2023) “Urban Marginality, Neighborhood Dynamics, and the Illicit Drug Trade in Mexico City.” Qualitative Sociology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11133-023-09546-6
Piotr A. Chomczyński and Roger Guy (2023) “Beyond Money, Power, and Masculinity: Toward an Analytical Perspective on Recruitment to Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations,” International Sociology https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02685809231168579
Roger Guy, Piotr A. Chomczyński, and Rodrigo Cortina-Cortez (2022) “The Vanishing Independent: Adapting to the Dynamics Drug Trafficking Organizations in Mexico,” Global Crime. https://doi.org/10.1080/17440572.2022.2117696.
Piotr A. Chomczyński, Roger Guy, and Rodrigo Cortina-Cortez (2022) “Weed Central: Cannabis Specialists and Polydrug Vendors in Mexico City,” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography,https://doi.org/10.1177/08912416221085560.
Piotr A. Chomczyński and Roger Guy. (2021) “’Our Biographies Are the Same:’ Juvenile Work in Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations,” British Journal of Criminology Vol. 61 (4) 946-964.https://doi.org/10.1093/bjc/azaa092
Piotr A. Chomczyński, Roger Guy, and Rodrigo Cortina-Cortez (2019) “Front Business–Back Business: The Social Anatomy of Small-Time Drug Dealing in a Mexico City Neighborhood.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 48 (6), 750-772
Piotr A. Chomczyński and Roger Guy. (2019) “Flying Under the Radar: Low-profile Drug Dealers in a Mexico City Neighbourhood.” Journal of Drug Issues Vol. 49 (2) 308- 323
Roger Guy and Piotr A. Chomczyński, (2018) “Bioethics and Biosocial Criminology: Hurdling the Status Quo.” Ethics, Medicine and Public Health. Vol. 7 (4) 95-102.
Roger Guy (2018) “The Potential of Biosocial Criminology” Вісник Пенітенціарної асоціації України. Bulletin of the Penitentiary Association of Ukraine. Volume 2 (1) 72-85
Mario Paparozzi and Roger Guy (2018) “Everything That is Old is New Again.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Vol. 34 (1) 5-12.
Monica Solinas-Saunders, Melissa Stacer, and Roger Guy (2014) “Ex-Offender Barriers to Employment: Racial Disparities in Labor Markets with Asymmetric Information,” Journal of Crime and Justice, Vol. 38 (2), 249-269.
Mario A. Paparozzi, and Roger Guy, (2013) “The Trials and Tribulations of Implementing What Works: Training Rarely Trumps Values,” Federal Probation, Vol. 77, (2) 36-42.
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, 1996 (Urban Studies)
Fields: Race, Class, and Crime
Dissertation: Diversity to Unity: Uptown’s Southern Migrants, 1950-1970.
M.P.A. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 1990
Thesis: Selected Patterns of Stranger Rape in the City of Charlotte, 1984-1988
B.A. Hunter College, City University of New York, 1984
Classes taught
CRJ 230 Introduction to Corrections
CRJ 333 Crime Theories and Victimization
CRJ 303 Prisoner Rights
CRJ 325 Poor and the Courts
CRJ 385 Drugs and Crime