Juvenile Justice, child abuse, juvenile gangs
- Hurtado, R. and Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2020). Denaturalizing Surviving: Domestic Violence, Narrative, and Social Justice in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Label Me Latina/o Special Issue 2020: (Un) Natural Disasters: Sites of Resistance Volume X.
- Rivera-Vazquez, O., A. Mabiso, A. Hammad, & Williams, K.P. (2009). A Community-Based Approach to Translating and Testing Cancer Literacy Assessment Tools. Journal of Cancer Education, 24, 4 (p. 319-325).
- Williams, K.P., Reckase, M., & Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2008). Toward the Development of Cancer Literacy Assessment Tools. Michigan Journal of Public Health, 2 (p.21-43).
- Rosenbaum R.P., Lahousse, S., Babladelis, P., & Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2005). The Oceana Farmworker Health Study. Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 25-P-91468/5-01
- Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2004). Predictors of having ever belonged to a gang among Black, Latino and White youth. Online Journal of Urban Youth Culture.
- Villarruel, F.A., Walker, N.E., with Minifee, P., Rivera-Vázquez, O., Peterson, S., and Perry, K. (2002). Dónde está la justicia? A call to action on behalf of Latino and Latina youth in the U.S. justice system. Building Blocks for Youth Initiative.
- Villarruel, F.A., Rodríguez, A. Mangrulkar, L., Paz, R., & Rivera-Vázquez, O. (2002). Positive Youth Development in the Context of International Development: The emerging agenda of the Dominican Republic. In Lerner and Wertlieb
- Rodríguez, Michael, Morrobel, D., Torres Campos, C., Rivera-Vázquez, O. (2000). Perspectives on working with Latino Youth. In D.F. Perkins, L. Borden, J.G Keith, & F.A. Villarruel (Eds.), Community youth development: Beacons, Challenges and Opportunities.
- Maxwell, S.R. & Rivera-Vázquez, O. (1998). Assessing the Instrumental and Symbolic Elements in Attitudes toward the Death Penalty Using a Sample of Puerto Rican Students. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. Volume 22, No. 2, Fall 1998, (pp.329)
Other Publications
Encyclopedia and Newspaper Articles
- Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2014). Police Stress. In The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. (1st Ed.). Hoboken: New Jersey. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Rivera-Vazquez, O. (2014). Moral Development. In The Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. (1st Ed.). Hoboken: New Jersey. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Classes taught
- CRJ 101
- CRJ 300
- CRJ 335
- CRJ 347
- CRJ 387
- CRJ 401