Adjunct Instructor
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Applied policy analysis, substance abuse policy, delinquency, victimization, police
- Kurst-Swanger, K. (2008). Worship and Sin: Religion-related crime in the United States. New York, NY: Lang Publishing.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. and Petcosky, J. (2003). Violence in the home: Multidisciplinary perspectives. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Cohn, E. and Kurst-Swanger, K. (2000). Criminal Justice in New York Today. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (Supplemental text for Criminal Justice Today by Frank Schmalleger).
Book chapters
- Forthcoming: Kurst-Swanger, K (2007). Crime Victim Services: Past, present and future. In L. J. Moriarty and R. A. Jerin (Eds.), Current Issues in victim logy research by Carolina Academic Press.
- Forthcoming: Kurst-Swanger, K. (2007). Multidisciplinary Working in J. Keeling, L Burch and T.Mason (Eds.) Domestic Violence, Berkshire, England: Open University Press.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. (2007). Measuring family violence. In N.Jackson (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (pp. 470-471). New York, NY: Routledge,
- Kurst-Swanger, K. (2007). Animal abuse: The link to family violence. In N. Jackson (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (pp. 22-29). New York, NY: Routledge, p. 22-29.
- Kurst-Swanger, K (2007).Pseudo-family Abuse. In N. Jackson (Ed.)Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence (pp. 587-594). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. (2005). Guidelines for improving police and court responses to abused women. In Ending intimate abuse: Practical guidance and survival strategies by A. R. Roberts and B. Schenkman Roberts, New York: Oxford University Press.
- Roberts, A.R., Kurst-Swanger, K., O’Brien, C. (2004). Advanced technology, enhanced funding, and specialized police domestic violence programs in the 21st Century. In Visions for Change: Crime and Justice in the Twenty-First Century by R. Muraskin and A.R. Roberts (Eds), 4thEdition, Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. and A.R. Roberts (2002). Police responses to battered women:Past, present, and future. In Handbook on intervention strategies with domestic violence: Policies, programs and legal remedies, Albert R. Roberts (Ed). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. and A.R. Roberts (2002). Court responses to battered women. InHandbook on interevention strategies with domestic violence: Policies, programs and legal remedies, Albert R. Roberts (Ed) New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Kurst-Swanger, Karel and Ryniker, Margaret. (2002) Religion-related crime: Documentation of Murder, Fraud, and Sexual Abuse:. In Critical Issues in Crime and Justice, Albert R. Roberts (Ed), Thousand Oakes, California: Sage Publications.
Journal publications
- Kurst-Swanger, Karel and Stockweather, Danielle. (2003). Maintaining Addiction?: Tobacco policy and substance abuse treatment for youth.Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 12, 3, 71-86.
- Kurst-Swanger, Karel (2002) Book review: Crisis Intervention Handbook, A.R. Roberts (Eds). Journal of Community Mental Health.,38,2, 173-174.
- Kurst-Swanger, K. (2002). Book review: Elements of Crisis Intervention: Crises and how to respond to them, 2nd Edition, J. L. Greenstone and S.C. Leviton. Journal of Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 2, 5.
Miscellaneous publications
- Kurst-Swanger, Karel. (2001). An overview of theoretical developments in criminology: A timeline. In Frank Schmalleger,Criminology Today: An integrative introduction, 3rd Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Kurst-Swanger, Karel (2002). Instructor’s Manual for An Introduction to Public and Private Investigations 2nd Ed by John S. Dempsey. St. Paul, MN: Wadsworth/West Publishing.
Ph.D., Binghamton University
Classes taught
- CRJ 101
- CRJ 220
- CRJ 347
- CRJ 385
- CRJ 400
- CRJ 454