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Student & Alumni Work

a movie production camera and a director's chair

Senior Thesis Screening 

On May 8, 2024 from 10:30AM to 2:00PM, Cinema and Screen Studies Seniors will be screening their thesis films at Oswego 7 Cinema in downtown Oswego. The event is free and open to the public, so please join us!

A large fountain with a large billboard screen in the background

Alumni Films Screened by Urban Video Project

The Urban Video Project screened film shorts from Horizons 2021: New Film Out of Central New York award recipients. This one-night showcase highlighted films by 2020 CNY Film Short Competition winners, including SUNY Oswego alumni Derrick BentonVictoria Diana and Andrew Nimetz. Urban Video Project (UVP), a program of Light Work in partnership with the Everson Museum of Art and Onondaga County, is an outdoor architectural projection venue dedicated to the public presentation of film, video and moving image arts. 

Learn about UVP

Alumni Issack Cintrón comes back to SUNY Oswego to talk to Cinema students

Award-winning Alumnus Returns to Campus

Issack Cintrón (Class of 2017) returned to campus in October to screen several of his short films, engage in a “conversation” with Noah Ramer (Class of 2023) about life after Oz, and his experiences as a young independent filmmaker. A highlight of the evening was his screening of Fruta Extraña (2020), which has been screened at the Montauk Film Festival (Winner - Best Social & Cultural Film), Seattle Latino Film Festival, International Puerto Rican Heritage Film Festival, Long Island International Film Expo & LA International Horror Film Festival.

Fruta Extraña on IMDB

Black and white image of Alexander Griffin directing a film

Student wins awards for film made during COVID quarantine!

SUNY Oswego CSS major Alexander Griffin directed and stars in Frame Fumble, an award-winning silent-movie short about a man confronted and confounded by the familiar black frame that surrounds classic films.

Watch Frame Fumble