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Cinema & Screen Studies

Our Commitment to Transforming Cinema

SUNY Oswego's Cinema & Screen Studies (CSS) is committed to providing an open, equitable and affordable degree that prepares students from all backgrounds in the fundamentals of film production, history and analysis.

Cinema & Screen Studies is an open enrollment film program, which means that we invite students from all backgrounds to join us in the study of film. Whether you started making movies on your own in elementary school or have never picked up a camera, you can become a cinema and screen studies major at SUNY Oswego. Equity and affordability go hand-in-hand at Oswego; all costs associated with course assignments are included in the tuition and fees, and we use open educational resources (free digital materials) for the majority of our courses. Our commitment to true equity and affordability has earned us top national rankings for affordable quality film programs.


#7 Best Value Film, Video & Photographic Arts program by Course Advisor

Ranked #7 for best value film, video, and photographic arts

#8 Affordable Film& Video Degrees by the College Affordability Guide

Ranked #8 by College Affordability Guide

#13 Top Value BA Degree Programs in Film Studies by College Values Online

Ranked #13 top degree programs by College Values Online

Critical Filmmaking

Merging Theory & Practice


CSS is dedicated to what we call "critical filmmaking." We believe filmmakers are best able to develop their own voice and vision by studying the history, art and theory of cinema. We also believe that film critics and scholars can develop complex and rich understandings of cinema by having been trained in the practice. This truly integrated approach manifests in our curriculum, where we merge theory and practice, and students with varied interests and specialities work together in teams on collaborative projects. Our faculty work together both in and outside of the classroom to help our 150 majors succeed in the major and college. Our alumni are deeply connected to the program and frequently return to campus to help guide students in their transition to post-college life and careers.