Contact Information
Poucher 304
[email protected]
Office hours
Tues./Thurs. 12:00-1:00, or by appt.
Bennet Schaber (B.A. Binghamton University, Ph.D. Brown University) has taught film theory and world cinema at Oswego since 1993. A former Luce Foundation-University of Pennsylvania Japan Fellow (2006-2007), he is also Visiting Professor of Film at the University of Kairouan, Tunisia. He has participated in the NEH North Africa Institute (Oregon State University, 2014) and NEH Modernism Institute (Newberry Library, Chicago, 2022).
Currently Teaching (Sp. 2023)
CSS 486, World Cinema
CSS 488, Auteur Studies
Upcoming (F. 2023)
CSS 310, Film Theory
CSS 333, Critics and Criticism
CSS 368, Little Theatres, Little Cinemas
Recent Publications
“’An art for which there is as yet no name.’ Mobile Color, Artistic Composites, Temporal Objects,” Journal of American Drama and Theatre, Vol. 35, No. 1, Fall 2022.
“Little Cinemas: Eugene O’Neill as Screenwriter,” Journal of Screenwriting, Vol 13, No 1, Spring 2022, pp. 39-64.
“Towards a Cinematic O’Neill,” Eugene O’Neill Review 42.2, (Summer 2021), 125-152.
“Vertical Continuity: Drone Theory, Drone Vision,” in Flight. Ed. Adel Bahroun. University Press of Tunisia, 2020, pp. 5-28.
“Eugene O’Neill’s Photoplays of 1926, An Introduction,” Eugene O’Neill Review 40.1 (Summer 2019), 1-12.
“Two Photoplays by Eugene O’Neill: The Hairy Ape and Desire Under the Elms,” Edited by Bennet Schaber, Eugene O’Neill Review 40.1, (Summer 2019), 13-34.
“Missing Children: Merzak Allouache, Rachid Bouchareb, or 2005 Ten Years Later,” Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 22, No. 5 (Oct. 2017), pp. 741-760.
“Fabrics of Dislocation: A Biography of Appearance,” Feminist Media Histories, Vol. 3, Number 1 (Jan. 2017), pp. 103-140.
“Something’s missing…: Two Films of Alejandro González Iñárritu,” in Geoffrey Karabin, ed., Hope in All Directions, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013.
“Film Democracy: Jem Cohen @ occupywallstreet,” SCAN, Journal of Media Arts Culture. Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2013.