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SUNY Oswego School of Business

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Senior Analyst


SUNY Oswego Extended Learning

Senior Analyst

Verifies students can assess a company's solvency & profitability status by calculating & interpreting a ratio analysis of a company's financial statements. Students can analyze a stock's price in relation to its earnings & make a recommendation to BUY/SELL the stock to their student sector leader in the Investment Club. It verifies students can design & execute a peer review process for their BUY/SELL recommendation, make a presentation using appropriate tools to peers/industry professionals.


Who is eligible?

SUNY Oswego Investment Club Only 


Instruction Method

Main Campus


Credit or Non-Credit




Buying and selling stocks 


Time to Complete

Months - 4 classes (12 credits)




Students sector leader will assess the ratio analysis for completeness.
Faculty Advisor will assess ratio analysis for accuracy.
Faculty Advisor will assess the presentation using rubrics and will assess peer review process and professional review process.


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Current Students

Current students can apply here. Please note: first-time users will have to make an account. 

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Finish a Microcredential with us. Click below to create a Login ID to start your journey.

For more information or questions, email [email protected]