Together, we can make a huge difference in our community. All contributions, regardless of the amount, help us reach our campus campaign goal. All donations, except by donor choice, stay local.
By making a one-time donation or biweekly pledge, you'll be entered to receive our 10-day challenge prizes! These cash incentive prizes, with a value of $40-50, are generously underwritten by the UUP and CSEA unions.
All new biweekly pledge donors as well as returning pledge donors who give at least $1 more than last year are also eligible for the regional CNY SEFA Step Up Challenge prizes valued at $25-50 and awarded weekly, with large quarterly prizes like a $3,000 debit card. Learn how to enter the Step Up Challenge below.
Fill out the Step Up Challenge form and email it to [email protected] after completing your pledge to be entered for a Step Up Challenge Prize.
One of the biggest impacts you can make is through a convenient biweekly pledge to a charity or charities of your choice (hundreds of charities to choose from). See below to learn how.
Check out the SEFA Pledge Booklet to see a list of the hundreds of local, regional, national, and international charities you can support through convenient biweekly payroll deductions. Central New York charities are listed on page 85.
You can also search for charities on the SEFA website by name, by geographic area, and by keyword.
Charities must be vetted before they can be included in the SEFA Pledge Booklet. Each year, new charities can apply between Dec 1 and Jan 15. If you have a charity you love to support that is not listed in the SEFA Booklet, please share the above link with them starting Dec 1.
Visit the NY SEFA e-pledge webpage to make your pledge today. Be sure to select the “Oswego - 28230” (887 - Central NY campaign area) so your contribution is counted toward our campaign goal.
Your pledge starts with the new calendar year and remains in effect until you change or cancel your pledge. Start pledging or increase your pledge from last year and complete a Step Up Challenge form to be entered for prizes from CNY SEFA! See "Give and Win" above for details.
If this is your first time, please see below for our pledge tutorial. If you encounter any issues with the e-pledge process, please reach out to us at [email protected]. A printable paper form is also available and can be submitted to a member of the SEFA Committee.
Yes! Please see SEFA's e-pledge instructions here.
Did you know the majority of funds from undesignated pledges are awarded to charities outside of Oswego County? Consider teaming up with us to make Oswego County SEFA Strong by designating your pledge to one of the local charities below. Or, choose your own favorite local, regional, national, or international charities by searching the 2022-2023 Booklet of Statewide and Local Charities.
Yes! Please see our instructions for retirees and the retiree pledge form.
You can see what your total contribution will be with our Contribution Conversion Chart (PDF), image below.
Even a small biweekly donation can make a huge difference. Here are some examples:
We're happy to help! SEFA has an FAQ document you can reference.
If you don't find your question answered there, feel free to reach out to your building representative or the SEFA committee at [email protected].
Cathy Johnston, [email protected]
SEFA Committee email: [email protected]