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PSY Major Updates & Information

Psychology Major Approved Depth Courses

Below is a list of courses that count towards majors' depth requirements in the psychology major. Please note that advanced trauma studies courses (i.e, PSY 451, PSY 453, PSY 454, PSY 455, and PSY459) will not meet major depth requirements.

PSY 401 - Perception 
PSY 402 - Learning 
PSY 403 - Biopsychology 
PSY 411 - Introduction into Neural Networks
PSY 419 - Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Identity Development
PSY 422 - The Aging Brain 
PSY 423 - Psychology Adulthood & Aging 
PSY 424 - Social Cognition 
PSY 426 - Development and Interpersonal Relationships 
PSY 428 - Cognitive Development 
PSY 435/COG 435 - Cognitive Systems  
PSY 444 - Emotion 
PSY 445 - Risk and Reward 
PSY 452 - Introduction to Trauma Studies 
PSY 461 - Brain Injury and Psychopathology 
PSY 469 - Sexual Disorders and Deviance 
PSY 463 - Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar 
PSY 466 - Behavioral Pharmacology 
PSY 470 - Evolutionary Psychology 
PSY 471 - Advanced Statistics in Psychological Science 
PSY 472 - Advanced Research Methods in Psychological Science 
PSY 481 - Neurodiversity

Last Updated 9/6/23. If any discrepancies are found, please contract your advisor.

Psychology Major Capstone Requirement

Beginning Fall 2024: Students can fulfill their capstone requirements in one of three ways: 1) complete a third depth course, 2) complete an internship (PSY 498), or 3) complete laboratory research under the supervision of a faculty member (PSY 491).  Students will work with their advisors to submit program deviation requests to update their Degreeworks with one of these capstone options. 

Previous Capstone Requirements

All psychology majors are required to complete a capstone thesis to graduate with a degree in psychology. Majors are allowed to select from one of the four options below for their capstone. All four capstone options are research- or evaluation-centered and assist students in gaining in-depth research insight or applied experience.

Note that the timeline of preparation varies depending on the option you select, all depth courses should be completed. If you do not make a choice ahead of time, the PSY496 capstone course is the default selection. If you wish to take the non-course options (honors, research or internship), you need to identify a psychology faculty mentor to work with at least one or two semesters ahead of time. Advanced planning and the permission of instructor is required for the non-course capstone options (491, 498, 490H).

We suggest that you talk to your academic advisor to confirm your plans and ask any questions. The Advisement Coordinator and Peer Advisors are also able to answer question about the capstone options.

Capstone Option 1: PSY490H Honors in Psychology

  • Students seeking to complete an honors project should begin planning during their sophomore or early part of their junior year. Students should review the honors program handbook online and talk to their academic advisors. Students must take the initiative to contact potential research mentors. Capstone credits are earned during the last semester at Oswego, although the project and coursework will begin prior to the last term.

Capstone Option 2: PSY491 Capstone Laboratory Research

  • Students wishing to conduct research in the laboratory of a particular faculty member must take the initiative to contact a potential research mentor in advance of the senior year. Students selecting this option will still utilize their literature reviews from Depth classes to prepare for a capstone project.

Capstone Option 3: PSY496 Capstone Senior Thesis in Psychology

  • Students must have completed at least one Depth course to be eligible for this course. Sections will be offered every semester. This is the default option for students. Seniors have priority to register for this course; non-seniors may be de-registered if not enough seats become available for senior students. 

Capstone Option 4: PSY498 Capstone Internship in Psychology

  • Students interested in completing an internship for their senior capstone should contact Dr. Ashlee Moore ([email protected]) prior to registration. Internships are competitive and usually provided to students on a first-come, first-serve basis. All internships are coordinated with EXCEL. In addition to completing 120 off-campus internship hours, students will be required to particpate in regular meetings with other students participating in capstone internships. Students must be on campus to complete capstone internships during the Fall and Spring semesters; capstone internships are also typically offered during the summer, with coursework and meetings completed fully online.