Associate Professor
Contact Information
457 Mahar Hall
[email protected]
Office hours
Monday, Wednesday 1-2:40 pm
or by appointment
Theo Rhodes’ primary research interest is the understanding of human behavior as a complex system, specifically the application and adaptation of approaches and methods from other fields to the unique problems characterizing living systems. The current focus is an exploration of the hypothesis that many cognitive processes are at root search processes. This includes experiments on foraging in memory as well as virtual and real spaces, with concurrent development of analyses for the identification of the underlying dynamics.
Post-Doc, University of California, Merced
Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2008
BS, University of Connecticut, 2001
Classes taught
PSY 305 - Cognition
PSY 405 - Cognition with lab
PSY 411 - Introduction to Neural Networks
PSY 496 - Capstone Thesis in Psychology
COG 266 - Brains, Minds, and Consciousness
COG 435 - Cognitive Systems