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Gilian Tenbergen

headshot of Gilian Tenbergen

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

459 Mahar Hall
[email protected]

Office hours

Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00
or by appointment


My research utilizes several different techniques, including cognitive assessment, neuroimaging, eye-tracking, and VR, to understand the role of the brain in cognitive and behavioral impulse control. My research has specifically focused on the role of impulse control in sexual offending, particularly in pedophilia. I am currently expanding my research to include additional paraphilias and other criminal behaviors. My research contributes to our understanding of the neurobiology and neuropsychology of sexual offending and is used to inform treatment and prevention efforts.


Ph.D., Hannover Medical School, 2017
M.S., Maastricht University, NL 2011
B.A., State University of New York at Oswego, 2008

Classes taught 

PSY 201 - Drugs and Behavior
PSY 290 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 303 - Biopsychology
PSY 350 - Abnormal Psychology