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Ashlee Moore

headshot of Ashlee Moore

Assistant Professor

Contact Information

455 Mahar Hall
[email protected]

Office hours

By appointment only (


Dr. Ashlee Moore holds a B.S. in Psychology and a  Ph.D. in Clinical and Translational Science with a concentration in Psychiatric, Behavioral, and Statistical Genetics. Dr. Moore's research and training are inherently interdisciplinary, pulling from the fields of psychology, genetics, statistics, physiology, and neuroscience. Some of Dr. Moore's current research interests include: (1) The genetic and environmental factors underlying abnormal psychology. (2) The development of callous-unemotional and psychopathic traits. (3) The psychophysiology of fearfulness and fearlessness. (4) The expression and identification of emotion. (5) Racial, ethnic, and cultural identity development. (6) Methods of increasing student engagement and performance.


Ph.D., Psychiatric, Behavioral & Statistical Genetics, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2019
B.S., Psychology, Middle Tennessee State University, 2013

Classes taught 

PSY 198 - Culture, Identity, & K-Pop
PSY 290 - Research Methods
PSY 303 - Biopsychology
PSY 350 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY 419 - Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Identity Development
PSY 498 - Internship Capstone