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Adam Fay

headshot of Adam Fay

Associate Professor & Associate Department Chair

Contact Information

464 Mahar Hall
[email protected]

Office hours

Tuesday 4:15 - 5:15 and Friday 9:00 - 10:00


Adam Fay is a social psychologist. His research focuses on social affiliation and interpersonal relationships, with particular attention to the roles of sensory experiences and fundamental motivations. Current projects are examining how complex interactions between needs for social belonging and self-protection interact with sensory stimuli and individual differences in social anxiety to shape social cognition and behavior.


Ph.D., Florida State University, 2014
MA, Florida State University, 2011
BS, Indiana University - Bloomington, 2009

Classes taught 

PSY 111 - Seminar in Psychological Science
PSY 290 - Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 340 - Social Psychology
PSY 424 - Social Cognition
PSY 470 - Evolutionary Psychology