Dear Members of the SUNY Oswego Community-
Greetings to all of you! It is hard to believe November is here, and I am again reflecting on the past six weeks since my last update.
I remain honored and elated to be a member of the Laker family and even more energized by SUNY Oswego’s promise and future.
Since my last President’s update on September 21, I launched the institution’s inaugural State of the University Address, where I unveiled our Vision 4040: Expanding SUNY Oswego’s Promise, a bold plan to increase upward mobility and advance regional economic development. I also participated in my first Founder’s Weekend; celebrated our founder’s 200th birthday with the Green and Gold Day campus photo; enjoyed partaking in many campus events, including the annual Peace Walk during the 37th ALANA Multicultural Student Leadership Conference; met with hundreds of alumni and friends of the university at these events, as well as at our annual Scholars Brunch, where we celebrated the achievements of our student scholars.
I have also maintained regular meetings with the President's Cabinet, both individually and as a group, as well as with the President's Council, faculty members, staff, students, alumni, external partners, and community members. Internal partners I have met with include deans and department chairs in the School of Business, School of Education, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the School of Communication, Media and the Arts, where I have learned more about our programs and discussed our shared mission, Vision 4040, as well as the opportunities available to us.
In addition to university events and internal meetings, I have enjoyed meeting with numerous internal and external community partners that align with our mission and help me continue to position SUNY Oswego as the most mission-critical public comprehensive university in the region.
A recap of several of these meetings and events include:
Internal Engagement
- Attended Faculty Assembly meetings, and presented at my first General Faculty meeting, and answered questions from a number of participants.
- Met with a group of faculty researchers to discuss ways to increase our grant portfolio and strengthen faculty research at the university.
- Participated in the Student Association (SA) Senate meeting, presided over by SA Vice President, Oghenetega Adjoh. During the meeting, I discussed Vision 4040 and the involvement of our student leaders in communicating the plan to other students. The meeting was also attended by Vice President of Student Affairs, Kathleen Kerr; Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Gabriel Marshall; and Director of Operations in the Office of the President, Jamal Coleman.
- Attended the School of Communication, Media and the Arts Advisory Board meeting.
- Met with Faculty Assembly Chair, Liz Schmitt; and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Scott Furlong, as part of our shared governance process.
- Met with Faculty Assembly Chair, Liz Schmitt; Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Scott Furlong; Deputy to the President for Strategy and Planning, Mary Toale; and Director of Operations in the Office of the President, Jamal Coleman, along with our external facilitators from American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) to discuss the process for the development of the university’s next strategic plan.
- Met with members of our Engineering Advisory Board and spoke about our Vision 4040 Plan.
- Presented the President’s report at the Oswego College Foundation Board meeting.
- Presented the President’s report at the SUNY Oswego College Council meeting.
- Provided remarks on the university’s vision at the Oswego Alumni Association Board meeting.
- Began preliminary discussions on the potential for nursing and other health-related programs at the university to advance Vision 4040.
- Welcomed regional high school counselors to SUNY Oswego for the SUNY College Admissions Professionals OpInform professional development day accompanied by Vice President for Enrollment Management, Cory Bezek; and Assistant Vice President for Admissions and Financial Aid, Rodrick Andrews.
- Participated in an Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Alumni Reunion, alongside the Director of the Office of Learning Service, Joey Tse.
- Had dinner with the Oswego Reading Initiative speaker, Brian Klass, along with Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Scott Furlong, Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Special Programs, Rameen Mohammadi, and student leaders.
- Participated in the James A Triandiflou ‘88 Institute for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Transformative Practice Open House, and provided remarks on the domestic and international imperatives for intercultural competence and the role of The Institute thereof.
- Met with our Dean of Graduate Studies, Kristen Eichhorn, to discuss graduate education and opportunities at the university in light of Vision 4040.
- Presented to the Faculty Assembly on strategic planning and answered questions on the process.
- Provided welcome remarks at SUNY Oswego’s Admissions Open House.
- Hosted the College Council members for dinner with the President’s Cabinet at the President’s residence at Shady Shore.
- Held leadership retreats for President’s Cabinet as well as for President’s Council at our Rice Creek Biological Field Station. Both retreats focused on courageous leadership and leading change and included a reception and dinner at Shady Shore.
- Hosted Onondaga Community College President, Warren Hilton at the Syracuse Campus and Cayuga Community College President, Brian Durant, at our main campus in Oswego to discuss opportunities for strengthening seamless transfers from SUNY feeder community colleges to SUNY Oswego. A similar meeting has been scheduled with Jefferson Community College President, Daniel Dupee.
- Hosted SUNY Chancellor, Dr. John King, during a visit to the campus as well as for dinner at Shady Shore, and then we attended a beautiful performance by our students at Waterman Theatre in Tyler Hall. Our talented student cast and crew members from the Theatre department showcased Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest,” directed by Professor Steven Mazzoccone. Following the performance, Chancellor King and I met with the student cast.
- Had lunch meeting at our Syracuse Campus with Oswego College Foundation Board Member, Marcus McFee-Walters.
- Attended the Caribbean Student Association Annual Dinner held at Sheldon Hall and engaged with our students and the faculty advisors.
- Provided opening remarks at SUNY Oswego’s 84th annual Technology Conference dinner hosted by the Department of Technology in the School of Education. More than 400 participants attended the conference.
- Visited the astronomy site at the Rice Creek Station and toured the facility with Professor Kamal Mohamad of the Department of Biological Sciences, as he and his team readied for a partial eclipse of the sun.
External Engagement
- Served as one of seven people in the CenterState CEO Event-Leadership Lessons from 7 Inspirational Influencers.
- Participated in the Micron Future-Ready Workforce Innovation Consortium meeting hosted at Le Moyne College with Assistant Vice President for Workforce Innovation and External Relations, Kristi Eck.
- Dr. Merryl H. Tisch, Chairman of the SUNY Board of Trustees, Senior Vice Chancellor, Johanna Duncan Poitier, and Chairman's assistant, Karen Shepherd, visited our campus, where we had the opportunity to meet alongside several faculty members. These faculty members included Robert Auler (Music); Tiffany Deater (Cinema and Screen Studies); Emily Estrada (Sociology); Marianne Hromalik (Electrical and Computer Engineering); Shashi Kanbur (Astronomy Program/Physics); Michelle Storie (Counseling and Psychological Services); Mohammad Tajvarpour Business); and Michele Thornton (Health Services Administration/Business). Additionally, we were joined in a separate meeting with students, including Oghenetega Adjoh, Melinda Brancato, Mathews Frank, Kat McGreevy, Chelsea Obeng, Nicholas Reilly, and Brandon Trinidad.
- Met with the Oswego Health President and CEO, Mike Backus, and other leadership team members, and enjoyed a tour of the Oswego Hospital.
- Met with Atrium and Associates, our landlord for our Syracuse Campus location with Vice President for Administration and Finance Vicki Furlong, Provost Furlong, Dean of Extended Learning Jill Pippin, Associate Vice President for Facilities Services Mitch Fields, Interim Director of the Syracuse Campus, Ryan Lynn, and Assistant Vice President for Workforce Innovation and External Relations Kristi Eck.
- Visited SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse and met with Upstate President, Mantosh Dewan and the Assistant Vice President of Community Relations, Linda Veit to discuss and explore opportunities for collaboration between our two institutions.
- Met with Hanover Research, a Virginia-based firm that help higher education institutions strengthen their academic portfolio and student success to discuss Academic Portfolio Optimization and Brand Optimization initiatives. In attendance were Deputy to the President for Strategy and Planning, Mary Toale; Provost Furlong; Director of News and Media, Tim Nekritz; Director of Operations in the Office of the President, Jamal Coleman; and Vice President for Enrollment Management, Cory Bezek.
- Met with Head of Social Impact and STEM Programs at Micron Technology, Dr. Robert Simmons at SUNY Oswego, along with members of our leadership team and the faculty. Micron is working with the university on programs that include teacher preparation and advanced manufacturing, among others, as it gears up for its $100 billion investment in Onondaga County.
- Chaired the Oswego County Micron Strategy Steering Committee meeting regarding the county’s role in Micron’s historic investment in the region.
- Held phone meeting with SUNY Chancellor, Dr. John King to discuss
Vision 4040. - Met with Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh, and Assembly Member Pamela Hunter, accompanied by Assistant Vice President for Workforce Innovation and External Relations, Kristi Eck. The mayor’s strategy of inclusive growth to advance the economy of Syracuse aligns with our Vision 4040 Plan for talent development to support upward mobility and economic development in Central New York.
- Met with Bill Scriber, CEO of Port of Oswego Authority to discuss potential partnerships with the university.
- Met with Ed Alberts to discuss potential funding opportunities with the Shinneman Foundation, alongside the Dean, School of Business, Prabakar Kothandaraman and Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Scott Furlong.
- Attended the Association of Council Members & College Trustees (ACT) annual conference (SUNY College Council members) held in Albany with Deputy to the President for Strategy and Planning, Mary Toale.
- Served as a keynote speaker at the 50th Anniversary Retired Senior and Volunteer Program (RSVP) Volunteer Recognition Luncheon.
- Attended the SUNY President’s meeting in Albany and presented our Vision 4040 Plan and Academic Portfolio Optimization, at the invitation of SUNY Chancellor, Dr. John King.
- Attended the unveiling of the Micron Cleanroom Simulation Laboratory at Onondaga Community College, along with state, regional, and SUNY leadership. Assistant Vice President for Workforce Innovation and External Relations, Kristi Eck, also joined the event.
- Participated in the (AASCU) New Presidents’ Academy Virtual Convening.
- Participated in the Convening of Black College Presidents held at Swarthmore College, sponsored by the Mellon Foundation.
The first 70+ days of my presidency have been filled with energy and excitement about our strategic direction, thanks to all of you. Thank you for the continued warm welcome, and for our work together to further advance the SUNY Oswego Promise, transform lives, and ignite possibilities. I look forward to seeing many of you in the weeks ahead.
Remain well,
Peter O. Nwosu, Ph.D.