Dear SUNY Oswego students, faculty, and staff-
Thank you to everyone who helped plan and contribute to my State of the University Address on September 28, 2023. It was a privilege to start that tradition with all of you, and I am grateful for the many of you who were able to attend.
During my State of the University Address, and as noted in the Vision 4040: Expanding SUNY Oswego’s Promise document, I shared that SUNY Oswego will soon open an Office of Workforce Innovation and External Relations (OWIER) that will span both Oswego and Syracuse with office locations in our downtown Syracuse Campus (at 2 Clinton Square) and on the east side of Oswego in our current Office of Business and Community Relations (OBCR) locations (at 121 E. 1st Street and 34 E. Bridge Street). The OWIER will replace the OBCR and all current OBCR staff will become OWIER staff members, effective October 11, 2023.
The OWIER will provide a designated point of entry into SUNY Oswego for industry, non-profit, public, private, and community partners to connect with institutional assets and vice versa. Partnerships formed will generate economic and social benefits for the region that align with and will advance SUNY Oswego’s Vision 4040 and contribute to the long-term, sustainable vitality of the university and the Central New York region.
The OWIER will be structured around three areas of focus: 1) Workforce Innovation and Upward Mobility, 2) Government and Legislative Affairs, and 3) Community Programs and Resources (which will include RSVP, WRVO - Public Media, Leadership Oswego County, the Small Business Development Center in partnership with Onondaga Community College, and more).
I have asked Kristi Eck to lead the OWIER with the new title of Assistant Vice President of Workforce Innovation and External Relations, effective immediately. I want to especially thank Dr. Jill Pippen, Dean of Extended Learning, who has split with Kristi the areas of economic development, community programming, and external partnerships for the past nearly two years since Pam Caraccioli left her position of Deputy to the President for External Partnerships and Economic Development to become the President and CEO of Fulton Savings Bank.
Kristi’s decade-long record of impact at SUNY Oswego has well prepared her for the focused and expanded responsibilities for workforce innovation and partnerships, which the new OWIER will lead. Since starting at SUNY Oswego in August 2013 as Chief of Staff, Kristi has provided exemplary leadership through the creation of SUNY Oswego’s institutional-wide strategic plan annual reporting and continuous improvement systems; and, through her role as the institution’s Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation Liaison Officer (2016-2022); she skillfully led the institution through its successful Periodic Review (2017) and Self-Study (2022) reports as Co-Chair for both.
Throughout her years at SUNY Oswego, Kristi has led the institution’s state and federal legislative affairs efforts and has helped cultivate and expand key external partnerships including those with public and private stakeholders that have yielded more than $1 million in grants for SUNY Oswego. Earlier this year, Kristi was named by Governor Kathy Hochul and Micron President and CEO Sanjay Mehrotra as one of 15 community stakeholders to serve on the Micron Community Engagement Committee.
As Assistant Vice President for Workforce Innovation and External Relations, Kristi will carry forward her government and legislative affairs responsibilities and external partnership relationships. She will remain a member of the President’s Cabinet and Council, where she will continue to work closely with SUNY Oswego’s vice presidents, deans, and relevant directors to advance the university’s engagement with external partners to attract and secure new resources for the institution and the region.
Kristi earned her bachelor’s degree from Colby College, a master’s degree from Columbia University, Teachers College, and she completed the Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE) at Harvard University, Graduate School of Education.
With Kristi’s transition out of the role of Chief of Staff, Jamal Coleman will join SUNY Oswego as Director of Operations in the President’s Office on October 9, 2023. Jamal is a highly skilled professional with a diverse background encompassing organizational and project management, communication and digital media, marketing, technology, and career services. With more than a decade of higher education experience, Jamal’s areas of expertise include digital and print content development, social media and website oversight, graphic design, strategic planning, project management, and effective organizational and management leadership. Jamal will serve on the President’s Cabinet and Council, as well as other campus committees and work groups, and will work closely with the President’s senior leadership team, deans, and relevant directors to advance our institutional mission, vision, and priorities.
Jamal holds both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tennessee State University, and he comes to SUNY Oswego from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU), where he was director of marketing, and held memberships in the American Marketing Association (AMA), the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), and the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP). Additionally, he serves as Marketing Manager on the national eduWeb Summit’s marketing/communication organizing committee.
Both Kristi and Jamal will report directly to the President. Please join me in congratulating Kristi and welcoming Jamal. I am certain that they will have the support of our entire university community of teachers, scholars, and learners.
Remain well,
Peter O. Nwosu, Ph.D.