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Course Registration for J-1 Students

Below are some common questions received by the ISSS Office regarding course registration for J-1 students. 

If you still can't find an answer to a question you have, please reach out to ISSS at [email protected]

Basic Information

When can I start registering for classes?

You will be able to register for classes, provided that you have completed all the steps in the Are you ready? brochure, once the registration period opens. This usually takes place about a month before the beginning of the semester. Check when you can begin registering for classes by going to the “Registration” tab of your myOswego, then clicking on “Check registration status.” 

How do I register for classes?

To begin registering for classes, simply log into myOswego, go to the “Registration” tab, then click on “Register for classes.” The Registrar’s Office has some useful tips for course registration on their website. Undergraduate students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours (9 credit hours for graduate students) in order to maintain status as a full time student at Oswego. 12 credit hours is generally the equivalent of 4 classes, given that most classes are worth 3 credit hours each.

How many classes do I need to take?

Undergraduate students must register for a minimum of 12 credit hours (9 credit hours for graduate students) in order to maintain status as a full time student at Oswego. 12 credit hours is generally the equivalent of 4 classes, given that most classes are worth 3 credit hours each.

Can I drop a class after I’ve registered?

Yes, provided that you do NOT drop below the minimum number of credit hours while doing so. After registering for classes, students are strongly advised NOT to dip below the minimum number of credit hours, EVEN if you drop one class because you plan on registering for another. Dropping below the minimum 12 credit hours for any length of time is a violation of your visa status. 

What about English classes?

Keep in mind, particularly if your English proficiency is low-medium, that you can register for English classes to count towards your 12 credit hour minimum. Depending on your English proficiency level, you may already be pre-registered into one such class by one of our English as a Second Language (ESL) advisors. 

Are exchange students generally satisfied with their course schedules?

Yes! Exchange students are usually very satisfied with their course schedules by the beginning of the semester.

Potential Errors

A particular class I want to register for is full. What do I do?

If a class you would like to take is full, don't panic! Once you arrive at Oswego, you can speak to your advisor about the course you would like to take. It’s possible that your advisor will suggest that you try to attend the class on the first day anyways. If so, your advisor will provide you with an “Add form”. If you go to the class on the first day and notice that there are seats available in the classroom, then you can ask the professor to sign your “Add form” and so add the class to your schedule. 

Are there any classes that I cannot register for?

Yes. Note that you will NOT be able to register into courses that are closed, courses that have a major/minor restriction, courses that have a time conflict, or courses that have a letter next to the section number (for example, 80H,80C,80S,80F.) 

I keep receiving a “Pre-requisite Error” when I try to register for a class. How do I fix this?

If you receive a "Pre-requisite Error" message when attempting to register for a class, you will have to submit a prerequisite waiver. To do so, just follow these steps: 

  1. Visit Registrar’s Registration: basic instructions webpage to search for the course you would like to take, then write down the 5-digit number in the “CRN” column for that course 
  2. Then, go to the “Registration” tab of your myOswego
  3. Choose "Non-Degree Student Temporary Prerequisite Registration Waiver" 
  4. Select the proper term
  5. Type in the 5-digit CRN number 
  6. Choose “Add” 
  7. Confirm that you are requesting a prerequisite waiver for the course 
  8. Choose “Add class” 
  9. Choose “Acknowledged” 
  10. Register for the course 
Are there any other special restrictions?

Yes. Specifically, you will need your advisor’s permission in order to register for any business classes, including those pertaining to Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Operations Management and Information Systems, and Risk Management and Insurance. You can arrange this during the meeting with your advisor during your New International Student Orientation. 

Academic Advisor

Will I have an academic advisor?

Yes! You will be assigned to an academic advisor and provided with an appointment time to meet a few days after you arrive to campus, as part of the New International Student Orientation. Your academic advisor will NOT be able to register you into closed or restricted courses. Your advisor will only be able to advise you if the courses you plan to take would be suitable for you given the classes you have taken at your home university. 

Is it obligatory that I meet with my advisor?

No. If you have met the 12 credit hour minimum and are totally satisfied with your course schedule, then you do not have to meet with you advisor.

How do I prepare for the meeting with my advisor?

To prepare for this meeting, please make a list of any classes (including their time and day) that you would like to take but have not been able to register for. You will also need to bring your latest academic transcript from your home university with you to this meeting. 

Can I contact my advisor prior to arriving in the United States?

Professors generally make their email addresses or contact telephone numbers visible in the “Contact” or “Faculty” section of their department websites. You may use this information to get in touch with your advisor prior to your arrival to Oswego, HOWEVER, please keep in mind that many professors are on vacation during summer and winter breaks. Therefore they may not be very responsive to emails. You should wait until your advisement meeting for any in-depth discussion of schedule changes or course registration. 

Contact ISSS

116 Sheldon Hall
[email protected]