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Awards and Grants for Faculty

The Institute for Global Engagement invites applications annually for six to ten awards of $250-$1,000 each for the purpose of developing new faculty-led education abroad programs and for internationalizing the curriculum at SUNY Oswego. Faculty from all departments can apply.

Funds can be used for:  

  • Bringing guest speakers to campus 
  • Acquiring materials that will facilitate the internationalization of a course
  • Organizing events and symposia
  • Providing a stipend for designing or redesigning a course, including Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) courses
  • Travel specifically undertaken for developing faculty-led education abroad programs

Call for Proposals

Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis and are awarded funds permitting. 

Selection Process

Applications are reviewed by the IGE Awards Committee. To apply, submit your funding request to [email protected].