Department Chair
Associate Professor and Health Science Minor Coordinator
Contact Information
210 Wilber Hall
[email protected]
Dr. Minjung Seo received her Dual Title Ph.D in Health Promotion and Gerontology from Purdue University in Indiana. Dr. Seo has an MA in Gerontology from San Francisco State University and an MS in Sport Science (Biomechanics) from SunKyunKwan University in Seoul, Korea. Dr. Seo is the Health Science minor coordinator. Dr. Seo's teaching interests include health promotion program planning, exercise prescription, and healthy aging. Her research interest focuses on exercise behavior correlated to personality traits, perceived mental and physical health, self-determination and self efficacy among older adults, senior exercise program implementation and evaluation, and attitude toward aging and death. Dr. Seo is a nationally Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) through the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc.
- Ph.D., Health Promotion, Purdue University
- Ph.D., Gerontology, Purdue University
- MA, Gerontology, San Francisco State University
- MS, Biomechanics, Sung Kyun Kwan University
- BA, German Language and Literature, Sung Kyun Kwan University
- HSC 353 Wellness and Aging
- HSC 448 Health Promotion Program Planning
- HSC 470 Wellness Skills: Application and Assessment
- HSC 498 Wellness Management Internship
- HSC 520 Health Behavior Change Process