The list of courses below are approved, as of February 2025. Courses are added on an ongoing basis.
Important notes:
- A course approved in multiple general education categories may only be used in a single category. Be sure to consult your academic advisor to determine where it is best for the course to fit in your overall general education program.
- General Education courses may not be taken pass/fail.
- Courses that satisfy requirements for the major or minor can also be used to satisfy General Education requirements.
- General Education courses can be taken off-campus as long as approval is secured in advance.
- Passing scores on college-level competency exams (e.g., Advanced Placements or CLEP) may be used to earn credits and, where appropriate, satisfy General Education requirements.
- Waiver exams are given at least twice each year for computer and information literacy (passing the exam satisfies a requirement but earns no credits for the student). Open to new students only.
- Math proficiency must be demonstrated by the student before she or he enrolls in any Math 106/206 course.
- Foreign language requirements can be satisfied by high school study of another language through Level 4; high school study of two other languages (through Level 2 in each); or completion of a 102-level college language course or equivalent.