Associate Professor
An Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development, Dr. Saxena completed her Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Connecticut and her MS in Child Development from the University of Delhi, India.
Dr. Saxena teaches courses on lifespan development, research methods and special topics such as diversity, equity, inclusion, siblings and extended family, study abroad and improving positive mental health. She serves as co-chair of the sibling relationship focus group at the National Council on Family Relations and as a program evaluation consultant for two organizations. She will chair the Family Science Conference 2025.
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Media Mentions
- Gender and disruptions in family routines and stress amid COVID-19.
- Resilience among sibling caregivers: Vulnerabilities and adaptations.
- Research methods and statistics: Instructional practices in the times of a pand…
- This, too, shall pass: Age-based perceptions of changes in routine, coping, and…
- An empirical examination of caregiving processes and outcomes among adult sibli…
- Mutual exchange: Caregiving and life enhancement in siblings of individuals wit…
- Variables that can enhance and complicate adult sibling caregiving of individua…
- Bioecological framework and siblings of individuals with disabilities.