Coordinator of the Writing Center
Contact Information
113B Penfield Library
[email protected]
Office hours
By appointment.
Stephanie Pritchard received her MFA in poetry writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2011. Her poems have appeared in Stone Canoe, Better Than Starbucks, The Awakenings Review, Red Rover Magazine, The Lakeshore Review, The River, Book of Matches, MASKS Literary Magazine, Ink Babies, Red Tree Review, and other places. Stephanie teaches introductory and intermediate poetry writing, spoken word poetry, and English composition classes. She is the Coordinator for Writing and Ethical Practice, Assistant Director for Writing Across the Curriculum, and also facilitates the Writing Fellows Program. Stephanie was the recipient of the Provost's Award for Teaching Excellence in 2016.
Classes taught
ENG 102 Composition II: Practice in college-level writing, including preparation of a research paper.
CRW 198 The Spoken Word
CRW 205 Poetry Writing: Intro
CRW 305 Poetry Writing: Intermediate