Department Computer Lab Policies
The Computer Science Department maintains labs for student use. Lab availability schedules can be found outside of the labs (Shineman 448 & 446) as well as the Computer Science office (Shineman 396).
Department Account Usage Policy
These accounts are primarily intended to support courses offered in the following areas:
- Computer science
- Cognitive science
- Electrical/computer engineering
- Human-computer interaction
- Information science
- Software engineering
Accounts provide access to shared resources and therefore must be used responsibly. If a particular process is found to be consuming an excessive amount of CPU cycles, network bandwidth, or disk space, the offending process may be terminated. Such disregard for others, if repeated, may result in suspension of the account.
Using an account to store or transmit illegal, copyrighted, or inappropriate material is expressly prohibited. This is described in the computer usage policies for SUNY Oswego. Users found to be in violation of the above policies will have their accounts suspended and their actions reported to the appropriate authorities. Accounts will remain active for one calendar year following the student’s final matriculation date. Notification of account deletion will be emailed 60 days before the deletion date giving the student time to copy or archive any stored files. An exception to this rule may be made for students involved in an ongoing research project sponsored by a computer science faculty member. In such cases, a letter outlining the nature and duration of the project, signed by both the faculty member and the student, must be submitted and kept on file in the computer science office. Student accounts will be deleted 60 days following the project’s completion date.
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Intellectual integrity on the part of all students is basic to individual growth and development through college course work. When academic dishonestly occurs, the teaching/learning climate is seriously undermined and student growth and development are impeded. For these reasons, any form of intellectual dishonestly is a serious concern and is therefore prohibited.
Academic policies & curriculum information