Oswego is prone to experience heavy snowfall. The university has established procedures, as indicated below, to manage the difficulties that winter storms may cause.
Class Cancellations or Remote Instruction Day Declared
To find out if classes are canceled or a remote instruction day has been declared because of inclement weather, members of the campus community have several options:
- Check SUNY Oswego's homepage
- Sign up to receive alerts
- Listen to radio and television:
- TV Channels: CNY Central (3 and 5), NewsChannel 9 and Spectrum News 1
- the WRVO Stations (FM 89.9 to 91.9 throughout Central Upstate New York);
- WHAM 1180 AM in Rochester.
Classes will proceed as scheduled unless official announcements of cancellation or remote instruction are made.
When classes are canceled or a remote instruction day is declared, faculty and commuting students are advised not to come to campus.
Day vs. evening classes
Day classes begin at 8 am, evening classes begin at 4:30 pm and after. Classes beginning before 4:30 pm are day classes regardless of when they end.
Campus officials try to decide by 5:30 am about canceling day classes and by 2 pm for cancellation of evening classes, though this is not always possible. The announcement process typically takes up to another hour to reach all communication channels.
Off-campus classes
Faculty teaching classes off campus should follow the weather closing policy governing the class site and inform students how to find out if their class is canceled.
Individual class cancellations
The public announcement of class cancellations only occurs when the entire campus of thousands of students and faculty are affected. Individual class cancellations do not require broadcast across Central New York. Faculty members wishing to cancel their own classes should follow the same procedure used when they are ill.
Personal safety
Individual students and employees are responsible for their own personal safety to a large extent. If you feel it is unsafe in your area to travel to class or work, you should not travel, regardless of whether classes are canceled. These resources can help you make that determination:
Campus closing
Only the governor has the authority to close a state agency such as SUNY Oswego. Unless the governor closes the college, employees who choose not to come to work or to leave work early are required to charge their time. The only exception is for instructional faculty when classes have been canceled.
States of emergency
Cities and counties in Central New York may declare a state of emergency in order to qualify for state or federal aid. They may also declare states of emergency that require the public to cease normal activities, such as parking in city streets or possibly even driving on streets and highways. It is important for commuters to determine if a "state of emergency" is aimed at prohibiting their travel or not.