Did you recently speak at a regional, national or international conference? Did you have a paper published in a scholarly journal? Or did you have a whole book published? We would be happy to help spread the word of your achievement!
Oswego Today
Oswego Today is an official campus email communication, distributed to all college faculty, staff, and students weekdays at 8:30 am throughout the academic year. During the summer it is a weekly publication. Oswego Today contains important information such as campus announcements, news stories, and calendar events.
Submitting a Story
Prior to promoting your event, please review the points below.
Submissions welcome
All SUNY Oswego community members are welcome to submit items for consideration. In some cases, a request may be made for a campus-wide email, in accordance with the mass email policy.
Review and scheduling of submissions
Members of the News & Media team will review, sort, and schedule submissions for potential distribution via Oswego Today. In consultation with SUNY Oswego’s Chief Communication Officer, we will consider whether a more in-depth story or video should be created and posted to the News & Events website. We will also evaluate requests for sending a campus-wide email.
Note: Calendar events promoted via Oswego Today are taken directly from the college Events Calendar. To promote an upcoming event, complete the Events Calendar submission form.
Any questions about Oswego Today, a news item, announcement, or campus-wide emails should be directed to:
- Tim Nekritz, Director of News and Media
[email protected], 315-312-3688
Submit your story
To submit an item, use the link below. Sign in with your LakerNet ID and password, then complete the form.
Style Guide
Our publications use AP Style for writing. Please follow the examples below when submitting.
- 7 p.m., not 7:00 PM
- May 17, not May 17th
- $6, not $6.00
- N.Y., not NY