Dr. Richard S. Shineman Professor of Chemistry
Contact Information
227 Shineman
[email protected]
The Mirjafari Lab focuses on rational design and development of new functional organic-ion materials via integrating concepts and strategies from ionic liquid chemistry, bioinspired materials, organic synthesis, and biology. Our efforts aim at employing these materials to address key societal challenges in health and sustainability.
Research group: https://www.mirjafarilab.com/
Diversity Statement: We are committed to a group culture, which emphasizes diversity, equality, respect and inclusion that welcomes and supports diverse opinions and perspectives and a climate of open scientific inquiry.
Mirjafari, A. Long-term DNA preservation and storage at ambient temperature, U.S. Patent 11,434,520 B2 September 6, 2022.
Recker, E. A.; Green, M.; Soltani, M.; McManus, G. J.; Paull, D. H.; Davis, Jr., J. H.; Mirjafari, A. Direct air capture of CO2 via ionic liquids derived from “waste” amino acids. 2022, 10, 11885-11890. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c02883
D. J. Siegel, D.J.; Anderson, G. I.; Paul, L. M.; Seibert, P. J.; Hillesheim, P. C.; Sheng, Y.; Zeller, M.; Taubert, A.; Werner, P.; Balischewski, C.; Michael,S. F.; Mirjafari, A. Design principles of lipid-like ionic liquids for gene delivery. ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2021, 4, 4737-4743. DOI:10.1021/acsabm.1c00252
For the full list of publications, see: www.mirjafarilab.com/publications