Mission statement
The renovation of Swetman-Poucher is intended to be the springboard for renewal of the learning culture at Oswego. It will be a focal point for the development and implementation of enhanced learning opportunities for all students.
Located along the major east-west pathway of campus, it will place the cultivation of student involvement in the intellectual life of the college at the geographical center of the campus. The building will provide a variety of environments for the integration and application of general education, disciplinary learning, and the development of learning skills and values.
The building will provide open spaces for interaction between students, faculty, and learning support staff. In addition to interactive learning areas, the building will provide highly visible, convenient access to services such as academic support, career planning, and international study opportunities.
This building will be a physical link between the east and west campus, providing a continuous, attractive, and welcoming series of spaces for movement between Penfield Library, the new Campus Center, and the entry to the East campus opposite Poucher Hall.
Revised 8-26-02
The Campus Concept Committee endorses the general program mix proposed for the Swetman-Poucher renovation project as presented in plan C-6 drafted by Holt Architects.
As the Project moves into the design stage, the Concept Committee is very concerned that the final design adheres closely to the original mission statement for the Swetman-Poucher renovation project. That mission statement emphasized academic space as the distinctive heart of the Swetman-Poucher renovation. The Concept Committee wants to ensure that the final design for the Swetman-Poucher renovation will retain the intended mix of classrooms, faculty meeting space and informal gathering places for students, faculty and staff that were part of our original vision.