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Campus Concept Committee

The Campus Concept Committee meets monthly on Wednesdays 12:30-1:30.


  1. To provide leadership and coordination for long-range physical space and facilities planning, which recognizes the primary academic function of the institution; to assess needs, and to propose priorities to appropriate governance bodies for the next 10 years.
  2. To acquire an institutional perspective relative to the emerging Campus Concept.
  3. To assess current and emerging needs for facilities renovations through extensive consultation with all appropriate constituencies.
  4. To recommend priorities for action to the president that are consistent with the long-range plan.



  • Gwen Kay, Faculty Assembly Chair
  • Mitch Fields (President Designee), Associate VP Facilities Services

President Designee

  • Kristi Eck, Chief of Staff and Executive Director of Strategic Planning and Project Development
  • Kristin Croyle, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Kathleen Kerr, Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Stephen McAfee, Auxiliary Services
  • Laura Spenceley, Dean, School of Education
  • Jennifer Hill, Development
  • Sarah Weisman, Penfield Library & Reference Center
  • Victoria Furlong, Ex-Officio
  • Colleen Dewine, CSEA

Academic Affairs

  • Scott Furlong, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

Campus Technology

  • Sean Moriarty, Chief Technology Officer

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • Mihai Paraschiv, Economics, 2024-2027

School of Business

  • Mary McGowan, Accounting Finance and Law, 2023-2026

School of Communication, Media, and the Arts

  • Amy Shore, Cinema and Screen Studies, 2023-2026

School of Education

  • Joanne O'Toole, Curriculum and Instruction, 2024-2027

Voting Faculty or Professional Staff

  • Michelle Bandla, Academic Support, 2023-2026
  • Ryan Lynn, Extended Learning, 2024-2027
  • Jim MacKenzie, Biology, 2023-2026
  • Jacqueline Wallace, Career Services, 2023-2026

Student Association

  • Emmie Ashley, Student Member, 2023-2026

Membership Bylaws

  1. A representative of the College Council and the Student Association president are ex-officio and non-voting. The president shall appoint one co-chair; the Faculty Assembly shall select the other co-chair.
  2. The college president shall appoint eight representatives, including: 
    1. administration
    2. classified staff 
    3. professional staff 
    4. the director of facilities services
    5. a representative from the SUNY Foundation
    6. and two representatives from Residence Life and Housing and Campus Life
  3. The Faculty Assembly shall elect eight members to the committee from the voting faculty or the professional staff group. The first members elected shall serve three-year terms and shall be voting faculty or staff, one each from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; School of Communication, Media and the Arts; the School of Business; and the School of Education. The next two elected shall have two-year terms, and the last two elected shall have one-year terms. After the initial election, all terms shall be three years.
  4. Two student representatives shall be selected by the Student Association.
  5. A representative from the Campus Technology Services shall be selected. 


The committee shall prepare and present periodic reports to the Faculty Assembly and to the college community. Recommendations to the college administration shall be first reported out to the Faculty Assembly for its comment.