The Biological Sciences Faculty is committed to giving undergraduate students the opportunity to learn science by doing science. Anywhere from 30-40 students each semester conduct independent research with a faculty member. Sometimes their work rises to the level of becoming a co-author on a peer-reviewed scientific journal article. Imagine that, becoming a published scientist as a Biology or Zoology major at Oswego!
Student Co-authored Publications in the Last 10 Years
(39 articles, 63 students)
*Indicates Undergraduate Research Co-author
Baldassarre, D.T., Connors, F.L.*, Faulkner, T.F.*, Hernandez, S.*, Niederhauser, J.M. (2024) Differences in personality traits and behavioral syndromes in urban and rural Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136: 329-337.
Baldassarre, D.T., Davis, K.M.*, Shealer, D.S. (2024) Subtle, but perceptible, sexual dichromatism and disassortative mating based on plumage reflectance in Black Terns (Chlidonias niger). Waterbirds 47: 1-9
Baldassarre, D.T., Bedell, H.S.*, Drzewiecki, K.M.*, Goodman, B.D.*, Mills, M.L.*, Ramos, D.A.* (2022) Multiple carotenoid-based signals are enhanced despite poor body condition in urban male and female Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 134: 575-586.
Blodgett, J.*, Walter, D.*, MacKenzie, J. A., Gump, B. B., Bendinskas, K. (2017) Both Hair Cortisol and Perceived Stress during Fall Exams Decrease after the Winter Break. Austin Biochemistry, 2(1): 1007.
Buckner, J.*, Welsh, A.B., Sime, K.R. (2014) Evidence for population differentiation in the bog buckmoth of New York State. Northeastern Naturalist 21:506-514
Cauchy, M.C., Khan, A.A.*, Artemenko, Y. and Dunn, D.A. (2023) A Low-Cost Electroporator for Genetically Modifying Social Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Journal of Open Hardware. 7(1):5
Cole A*, Buckler S*, Marcucci J*, and Artemenko Y (2021) Differential Roles of Actin Crosslinking Proteins Filamin and α-Actinin in Shear Flow-Induced Migration of Dictyostelium discoideum. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:743011. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.743011
DiBiase, C.*, N. Stahl*, V. Niri, and P. Geetha-Loganathan (2024) Biochemical Analysis of Browning Activities in Apples. Biology Bulletin.
Frederico, A.*, M. Hidoyatov*, S. Nimmagadda, P. Geetha-Loganathan (2024) Effects of Nicotine on Chicken Embryo Development: A Review. American Journal of Zoology 7(2)
Gibbons J*, Nimmagadda S, Geetha-Loganathan P (2020). The Ultrastructure of Chrysemys Picta Eggshell and Shell Membrane. American Journal of Zoology. 3:1, 10-16.
Gibbons J*, Geetha-Loganathan P. (2019). Processing Embryo, Eggshell and Fungal Culture for Scanning Electron Microscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (150), e60018, doi:10.3791/60018.
Gump, B.B., K. Heffernan, L. Brann, D.T. Hill, C. Labrie-Cleary*, V. Jandev, J.A. MacKenzie, N.H. Atallah-Yunes, P.J. Parsons, C.D. Palmer, A.A. Roberts, and K. Bendinskas. (2023) Exposure to Arsenic and subclinical cardiovascular disease in 9–11-year-old children, Syracuse, NY. JAMA Network Open, 6(6):e2321379.
Gump, B.B, B. Hruska, K. Heffernan, L.S. Brann, M. Voss, C. Labrie-Cleary*, H. Cheng*, J.A. MacKenzie, S. Woolf-King, S. Maisto, K. Bendinskas (2023) Race, cortisol, and subclinical cardiovascular disease in 9–11-year-old children. Health Psychology, 42(9):657-667.
Gump, B.B., E. Gabrikova*, K. Bendinskas, A.K. Dumas, C.D. Palmer, P.J. Parsons, J.A. MacKenzie (2014) Low-Level Mercury in Children: Associations with Sleep Duration and Cytokines TNF-α and IL-6. Environmental Research, 134: 228-232
Guo J. and C.T. Halson* (2020) Developmental sequence of the syncarpous gynoecium of Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae) with flattened and broadened carpels and an umbrella-shaped style. Botany 98(8): 401–423.
Guo J. and C.T. Halson*(2020) Stigma, pollen tube transmitting tract, and epidermal micromorphology of the style of Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae). Botany, 98(4): 209–229.
Gurgis, G.P.*, J.D. Daza, I.G. Brennan, M. Hutchinson, A.M. Bauer, M.R. Stocker, J.C Olori. (2021) Ecomorphometric Analysis of Diversity in Cranial Shape of Pygopodid Geckos. Integrative Organismal Biology. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2021. obab013.
Hawkins, R.*, C. Bell, J.C. Olori, and M.R. Stocker (2022) Intraspecific Variation in the Cranial Osteology of Diplometopon zarudnyi (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Trogonophidae). Journal of Morphology. DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21508
Macchiano, A*, I Razik* & Sagot, M. (2018) Same sex courtship behaviors in male-biased populations: Evidence for the mistaken identity hypothesis. Acta Ethologica 21:147-151
Marroquin, C.M.*, J.O. Lavine*, and S.T. Windstam (2017) Effect of Humidity on Development of Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the Causal Agent of Bat White-Nose Syndrome. Northeastern Naturalist 24(1):54-64. 2017
McElwain, A., R. Fleming*, M. Lajoie*, C. Maney*, B. Springall* and S. A. Bullard (2016) Pathological changes associated with eggs and larvae of Unionicola sp. (Acari, Unionicolidae) infecting Strophitus connasaugaensis (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from Alabama creeks. Journal of Parasitology 102:75-86.
Miura, Y.*, E. Yeager*, J.A. MacKenzie, K. Bendinskas. (2014) Proteomic study of ribosomal proteins from E. coli, S. cerevisiae, B. Taurus, G. gallus, and O. tshawytscha and its application in a teaching laboratory setting. American Journal of Undergraduate Research, 12(1): 27-37.
Nelson, M.* & M. Sagot. (2018) Effects of temperature and day length on daily movements and home range of the southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) in the northeastern United States. Northeastern Naturalist. 25:383-390
Newell, P.D., Preciado, L.M.*, Murphy, C.G., Jr.* (2022) A Functional Analysis of the Purine Salvage Pathway in Acetobacter fabarum. J Bacteriol. 204(7):e0004122
Olori J.C., Netzband R.*, McKean N.*, Lowery J.*, Parsons K., and Windstam S.T. (2018) Multi-year dynamics of ranavirus, chytridiomycosis, and co-infections in a temperate host assemblage of amphibians. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 130: 187-197
Razik. I* & M. Sagot. (2020) Vertebrate species richness at littoral beaver lodges in a temperate artificial pond. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 11(2): 422-429
Rentof, J.K.*, C. Chamberlain*, and N.M. Sard. (2024). Evaluating factors that affect full- and half-siblings inferences via genetic pedigree reconstruction. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
Russel, A.*, Borrelli, S.*, Fontana, R.*, Laricchiuta, J.*, Pascar, J.*, Becking, T., Giraud, I., Cordaux, R., Chandler, C.H. (2021) Evolutionary transition to XY sex chromosomes associated with Y-linked duplication of a male hormone gene in a terrestrial isopod. Heredity 127, 266–277.
Sagot, M., C. Schöner, A. Jago*, I. Razik*, & G Chaverri (2018) The importance of group vocal behavior in roost finding. Animal Behavior 142: 157-164
Schummer, M., Eason, K.M.*, Hodges, T., Farley, E.B., Sime, K.R., Coluccy, J., Tozer, D. (2021) Response of aquatic macroinvertebrate density and diversity to wetland management and structure in the Montezuma Wetlands complex, New York. Journal of Great Lakes Research 47: 875-883.
Seago, J. L., K. I. Mohamed, B. Leasure*, and N. Bonacorsi (2023). Enigmatic Features of the Lycopodiaceae and Selaginellaceae—Lycopodophyta. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 184(1): 34-55
Sliwinski, S.M., Schummer, M., Lindsay, K.A., Whipps, C.M., Dunn, D.A., Wagner, M.A.* (2022) Morphological Differences and Migration Patterns of Greater and Lesser Snow Geese in New York State. Wildlife Society Bulletin 2022:e1388
Solomon GM*, Dodangoda H*, McCarthy-Walker T*, Ntim-Gyakari R*, and Newell PD. (2019). The Microbiota of Drosophila suzukii Influences the Larval Development of Drosophila melanogaster. PeerJ 7:e8097
Sommer, AJ* and Newell, PD (2019) Metabolic Basis for Mutualism Between Gut Bacteria and Its Impact on Their Host Drosophila melanogaster. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 85:e01882-18.
Tkachuk, K.A.* and D.A. Dunn (2020) Analysis of Sea Lamprey Environmental DNA during Lampricide Treatment in a Tributary of Lake Ontario. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 421:14
Pascar J*, Chandler CH. (2018) A bioinformatics approach to identifying Wolbachia infections in arthropods. PeerJ. Sep 3;6:e5486
White, K.M., Matthews, M.K., Hughes, R., Sommer, A.J.*, Griffitts, J.S., Newell, P.D., and Chaston, J.M. (2018) A metagenome-wide association study and arrayed mutant library confirm Acetobacter lipopolysaccharide genes are necessary for association with Drosophila melanogaster. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 8 (4), 1119-1127
Wang, Y.W.*, and Chandler, C.H. (2016) Candidate pathogenicity islands in the genome of 'Candidatus Rickettsiella isopodorum', an intracellular bacterium infecting terrestrial isopod crustaceans. PeerJ, 4, e2806
Winans, N.J., Walter, A.*, Chouaia, B., Chaston, J.M., Douglas, A.E., and Newell, P.D. (2017) A genomic investigation of ecological differentiation between free-living and Drosophila-associated bacteria. Mol Ecol. 26(17):4536-4550