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Rameen Mohammadi

Rameen Mohammadi

Associate Provost for Undergraduate and Special Programs

Contact Information

702 Culkin Hall
[email protected]

The Office of the Associate Provost is responsible for a number of services related to the academic mission of the university. These include registration, professional development opportunities for faculty, the Honors Program, and other important initiatives in undergraduate education. The associate provost works closely with the Office of Student Affairs to support first-year activities designed to address special academic and social needs of freshmen and transfer students. 

This office is responsible for approving and registering new curricular programs with the State University of New York System Administration, and working with other SUNY units to develop transfer articulation agreements, cooperative ventures and collaborations as the opportunity arises to do so. The associate provost oversees the Office of the Registrar and participates in planning and implementation of new student orientation programs and enrollment registration.