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Professional Judgement

Life can be unpredictable. Sometimes the information you provide on the FAFSA no longer accurately reflects your financial situation.

Students with documented special circumstances that negatively impact their financial situation — or that of their FAFSA contributors — may submit a Professional Judgment appeal which may improve financial aid eligibility. 

Special Circumstances 

If you have experienced a change in income due to unusual, special circumstances, your campus financial aid office has Professional Judgment authority and U.S. Department of Education guided flexibility to re-evaluate your situation for the following reasons: 

  • Loss of job or permanent/indefinite reduction of work hours
  • Separation or divorce
  • Personal bankruptcy that occurs during the current financial aid year
  • Death of a member of your immediate family
  • Reduction/loss of child support
  • High non-reimbursed medical expenses.
  • Your parents took money out of their pension/retirement plan as a one-time payment to help cover expenses
  • Other documented special circumstances outside of the student’s control

Please be aware that Federal Financial Aid Professional Judgment appeals are evaluated individually, and all decisions are considered final. Decisions are made at the discretion of the campus, guided by the policies set by the U.S. Department of Education. However, SUNY Oswego is compelled to make every effort to assist students in need. 

How to Request a Professional Judgment 

To request a professional judgment appeal, complete the appropriate form, providing documentation as stated on the form to support your circumstances. 

Request a Professional Judgment Appeal (CampusLogic)

Office of
Financial Aid

231 Sheldon Hall

Phone: 315-312-2248
Fax: 315-312-3260
Email: [email protected]
Staff Directory

Office hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone hours: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Appointments: Book Now