Ingram received his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from St. Lawrence University, a Master's Degree in Management from Clarkson University, and has completed most of his Ph.D. work in Human Resources from the N.Y.S. School of Industrial & Labor Relations at Cornell. Appointed in 1977, he taught full time until 1999, when he made a transition to the Division of Extended Learning where he was responsible for Summer Sessions, Winter Session, Nontraditional Student Course Programming & Advising, and Online Learning. He has now returned to teaching full-time in the Marketing & Management Department, and part-time in the Public Justice Department. Prof. Ingram has taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in Management, Human Resources, Marketing, and Law. Prior to SUNY Oswego, he served as a faculty member at Clarkson University. He's also served as a Visiting Professor at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez and as an Adjunct Professor of Human Resources for Chapman University's graduate program. In addition, he sometimes conducts training workshops and provides consulting services for firms in the Central New York area.