Ding Zhang received his B.S. from University of Science & Technology of China, his M.S. from Tsinghua University, and his Ph.D. from University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Appointed in 1997, Dr. Zhang teaches courses in Materials Management, Management Science, Operations Management and Forecasting. He has numerous publications most recently in European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research and Management, and Computers and Operations Research. Dr. Zhang has also participated in several conferences both nationally and internationally.
As part of his community service, Dr. Zhang is the principal for the CNY Chinese School in Manlius, N.Y. as well as a reviewer for the National Science Foundation, U.S.A. and Research Grants Council, Hong Kong. In 2011, he received a grant by the National Foundation of China and in 2009, he received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity.
- Zhang, D., and Liu, M. (2013). A Dynamic Logistics Model for Medical Resources Allocation in an Epidemic Control with Diffusion Forecast Updates, European Journal of Operational Research, submitted.
- Zhang, D., and Guo, J. (2013). A Review of Supply Chain Versus Supply Chain Competition, Operations Research and Management, submitted.
- Zhang, D., Zhao, L., and Wang, X., and Huang, R. (2013). A Cumulative Prospect Approach to Path Selection in Hazardous Materials Transportation, Safety Science, submitted.
- Zhang, D., Farahani, R., and Rezapour, S. (2013). Strategic Design of Competing Supply Chain Network for Markets with Deterministic Demands, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, under revision.
- Zhang, D., Song, H., Yang, H., and Besoussan, A. (2014). Optimal decision making in multi-product dual sourcing procurement with demand forecast updating, Computers and Operations Research, 41, 299 – 308.
- Zhang, D. (2012). Network Equilibria and Disequilibria, presented in the International Symposium on Mathematics in 21st Century: Advances and Applications, Hefei, China, July 7 – 9.
- Zhang, D., Dong, J., and Teng, C. (2012). Recent Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Supply Chain Network Equilibrium, presented in the 5th Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, Beijing, China, June 25-26.
- Zhang, D., and Guo, J. (2012). Supply Chain vs Supply Chain Competition with Product Differentiation and Customer Choice, presented in the Business Research Consortium of Weestern New York, Oswego, New York, USA, April 21.
- Zhang, D., and Guo, J. (2011). Supply Chain Competition Model with Customer Preference: a theoretical perspective, presented in the IEEE Proceedings of Supernetworks and System Management, Shanghai, China, May 29-30. Zhang, D. (2011). A Super Network Model for Supply Chain Economy, presented in the International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering, Harbin, China, January 8 – 9.
Awards and honors
- 2019 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
- 2016 Best Paper Prize 2016 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
- SUNY Oswego President's Award for Scholarship & Creative Activity
- Major Research Project Award NSF of China, 2004, $900,000
- SUNY Oswego Provost's Award for Scholarly and Creative Activity