Associate Professor
Department Chair
Contact Information
105K Park Hall
[email protected]
Office hours
Spring 2025
Tue/Thu 9:00 - 11:00
And By Appointment
Research/Areas of Expertise
Early America, Native American history, comparative history of European empires and colonies in the early modern Atlantic world.
Selected Publications
- "Apocalypse Then? Histories of Detroit’s First Tragedy, the ‘Fox Indian Massacre’ of 1712” in A Place in Common: Rethinking the History of Early Detroit, Karen L. Marrero and Andrew K. Sturtevant eds. (Michigan State University Press, Forthcoming Spring 2025).
- "Le Sueur in the Sioux Country: Rethinking France's Indian Alliances in the Pays d'en Haut." Atlantic Studies (2013), Vol. 10, No. 1, 35-50.
- "'Gascon Exaggerations': The Rise of Antoine Laumet (dit de Lamothe, Sieur de Cadillac), The Foundation of Detroit, and the Origins of the Fox Wars" in French and Indians in the Heart of North America, 1630-1815, Robert Englebert and Guillaume Teasdale, eds. (Michigan State University Press, 2013), 77-112.
- Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 2012
- M.A., The University of Chicago, 2005
- B.A., The University of Michigan, 2003
Classes taught
- U.S History to 1865
- Native American History
- Colonial America
- The American Revolution
- The American Intellectual Tradition
- Historical Methods
- Capstone Seminar in American History