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Day 2: Implicit Bias

Our function to hold biases is wired into the oldest part of our brains, the amygdala. Understanding that biases are universal, then recognizing how they function in our daily lives and actions, we can begin to address them and interrupt them when they hold us back or do harm.


The American Psychological Association has an Implicit Bias Page that provides a brief description and definition of the term. The webpage also provides other resources to explore and get educated on the topic.

Implicit Biases are often unconscious and we might not always realize we have them. Check out this podcast with Dr. Mahzarin Banaji where she discusses how we can unlearn our implicit biases.

Take the Harvard Implicit Bias test to discover what implicit biases you have.

Self-Reflective Questions:

  • Have you ever made assumptions about someone without consciously being aware of it? What did you learn from that experience?
  • How can you work to address and unlearn your implicit biases?