What are course reserves?
- Course reserves are course materials - usually textbooks - that are available at no cost to your students.
- Usually, one or more copies of the item are available, and a student can check out the item for a few hours or a few days at a time.
- We populate our course reserves collection primarily with loans or gifts from instructors; however, we are sometimes able to purchase titles as well.
Placing items on reserves
We can put physical items (books, DVDs, CDs, etc.) on course reserves. Please see below for more information about digital materials.
- Complete the online Reserves Request Form, or the printable Reserves Request Form.
- Bring a copy of any physical items to the Check-Out & Reserves Desk.
- Please note that while we will barcode and label any personal copies, we cannot be held responsible for damage, or loss.
Processing Time
Items will be placed on reserve within 5 business days of your request. You will receive an email when they're ready.
Please wait for that email before informing your class the materials are available.
We are legally unable to provide you with a list of students who have read the reserve material. Under the Library Confidentiality Act (7B McK 4509 [CPLR 4509]) we may not disclose any circulation records, including reserve records, without a subpoena or a court order.
About Digital Materials
If the library has access to the material through our databases - for example, an ebook or an article - we recommend you link directly to that resource. See our guide on Integrating Library Resources into Brightspace for more information.
If the library does not have access to the digital material, but you have a personal copy (such as a PDF), you can upload it directly to Brightspace. We recommend you review the Fair Use Checklist to ensure that you are following copyright guidelines.
For questions about reserves policies, please contact us at 315-312-4268 or [email protected].